Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Non-Residential Stormwater Credit Application

Use the non-residential application if you own the following types of property

• industrial

• commercial

• retail

• institutional

• multi-residential buildings with more than five dwelling units

Before completeing the non-residential application, review the program requirements and Best Management Practice descriptions.

Contact details

Credit Registration Information

To learn more about how the stormwater credits are calculated please review the Frequently asked questions.

Check all boxes that apply for the stormwater best management practices (BMP) currently in use.

Quality Control Credit

Check all boxes that apply for the stormwater best management practices (BMP) currently in use.
Check all programs that apply.

Before submitting your application, please ensure you read the terms and conditions. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that the information provided is true and permits the city to perform limited arranged inspections of the property to determine the eligibility of the Best Management Practices.

Terms and Restrictions

Non-residential and multi-residential (>5 dwelling units) customers (the “Applicant”) may qualify for rate credits when the Applicant can demonstrate that the property owned by the Applicant (the “Property”) contains impervious areas that are directed to approved, or in accordance with, stormwater quantity and/or quality best management practices (“BMP”). The BMP must provide the City with a cost savings that the City otherwise would incur as part of their efforts to manage stormwater.


  1.  No public or private property shall be eligible to receive credits for any condition or activity unrelated to the reduction of the City’s cost of providing stormwater management services, as determined by the Director of Engineering;
  2.  Credits will not apply to fees attributable to new development or redevelopment projects;
  3.  Any stormwater BMP off site or within a permanent easement maintained by the City shall not be eligible for a credit; and,
  4.  Credits shall only be given to the registered owner of the Property.

Conditions and Requirements

  1.  The Applicant shall complete a stormwater credit registration form (the “Form”). The Form may be printed or electronic, and may be submitted with supporting documentation (if required) by mail, fax or over the internet.
  2.  A signed Form shall constitute authority for the City to perform limited announced inspections of the Property to determine the eligibility of the on-site stormwater BMPs, and the accuracy of the credit calculation. The inspection shall be limited to stormwater BMPs and other elements described in the registration. The City shall schedule the inspections at a date and time that is mutually acceptable to both parties. The City will offer the Applicant at least one (1) opportunity to reschedule to a mutually agreeable date and time.
  3.  Credits will only be applied if requirements in this schedule are met, including but not limited to: completion of ongoing maintenance, guaranteed right-of-entry for inspections and submission of self-certification reports, on an annual basis, as at the discretion of the Director of Engineering;
  4.  Unless otherwise obligated by law, the City shall limit the use of the Form or other registration documents to activities required to administer stormwater credits;
  5.  Credits will be defined as percent (%) reductions to the City’s stormwater portion of the utility bill;
  6.  One credit for each credit category described in Section B.3 can be applicable to a Property pursuant to the schedule, up to a maximum of 45% of the assessed stormwater rate;
  7. Notwithstanding 6. above, a credit of 85% is applicable where the Property has the following attributes: larger than 30 hectares in size, ii. more than 50% of the property lies in the floodplain; and, iii. has functional stormwater BMP in place as per 8. and 9. below
  8. Any BMP must comply with all applicable municipal, provincial and federal standards and guidelines;
  9.  As long as the BMP is functioning as approved and as demonstrated by self-certification reports and City inspections, the credit will be applied to the stormwater portion of the utility bill. If the approved BMP is not functioning as approved or is terminated for any reason whatsoever, the reduction will be cancelled and the rate will be returned to the baseline calculation. In the circumstance that a BMP is no longer functioning as approved, the Applicant shall reimburse the City the entire amount of the credit received in respect of the Property since the last inspection by the City. Once the credit reduction has been cancelled, a customer may not reapply for a credit for a period of 12 months and only upon the deficiency being rectified as determined by the City inspection;
  10.  Only stormwater management facilities that serve the Property described on the Form shall be credited toward that Property’s bill. The Applicant cannot transfer credit eligibility from the Property to another property owned by the Applicant. Similarly, the credit eligibility of a Property does not transfer from the Applicant to a new owner of the Property, without a separate Form completed on behalf of the new owner of the Property; and
  11.  All stormwater control BMPs must be an accepted practice referred to in the applicable City of Kitchener Development Manual at the time of registration, as certified by qualified person. The City may waive this requirement for a stormwater BMP that was installed prior to January 1, 2011, if such facilities are operating effectively and do not threaten or harm the Property, neighboring property, City facilities or the environment, as determined by City inspections.

Personal information is being collected under the authority of s. 28(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and will be used for the Stormwater Credit from the City of Kitchener. This information will be shared with staff who require it for their work as part of Kitchener Utilities and will be stored on a server owned by a Third Party Service Provider (eSolutions Group) located in Canada. The personal information collected herein will be used only for the purposes relating to the program and will be protected in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the MFIPPA. 

Inquiries about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information should be directed to Sanitary and Stormwater Utilities | City of Kitchener | Office: 519-741-2200 | TTY 1-866-969-9994 | Email

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