Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Application for adjustment of taxes to the Council of The City of Kitchener

Property address

Contact information

Mailing address

Reason for application (select one only)

Providing complete and accurate information, along with all necessary supporting documents, will facilitate the swift processing of your application.

Building permits are required as supporting documentation for applications under Section 357 (1)(g)-Repairs/Renos.

Period of tax relief claimed


  • I confirm that I am the person identified on this application. I understand that fraudulent representation of another individual’s identity or acting on behalf of someone else without consent is a criminal offence.

  • I certify that I have read and understand the applicant instructions on of this application and that the answers given by me to the forgoing questions and statements made by me are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false information, omission, or misrepresentations of facts called for in this application, whether on this document or not, may result in rejection of my application I authorize the City of Kitchener and/or its agents, to verify any of this information.

  • I consent to electronically sign my application through this online process. I understand that once I electronically sign below and Submit as Final, City of Kitchener will be able to view the information I have provided on this application.

Notice of Collection
Personal information is being collected under the authority of the Municipal Act s.11(1) and will be used by staff to administer the "Application for adjustment of taxes to the Council of The City of Kitchener". This information will be stored on a server owned by a Third Party Service Provider (GHD) located in Canada. The personal information collected herein will be used only for the purposes relating to the program and will be protected in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the MFIPPA.

For questions relating to the collection of personal information and the program, please contact revenue customer service.