Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Request a bike rack

Thanks for sharing your interest in a bike rack. Please complete the information below to send your request to staff.

After you submit your request, we'll review your request based on these considerations:

  • racks must be located within the street right-of-way and be available to any member of the public
  • racks cannot block sidewalk access
  • maintenance of adequate clearances from the curb, utility poles, street furniture, hydrants, bus stops, loading zones, parked car door zones, crosswalks, etc.
  • a flat concrete surface free from cracks or other damage
  • preference for racks in a visible area with significant foot traffic for casual surveillance

We cannot guarantee all eligible locations will receive a bike rack, depending on demand and budget constraints. We do not provide bicycle racks on private property or schools. 

You can make requests year-round, but installations will typically occur in the following spring season at the earliest.

Which of these applies to you?