Online eviction survey

The information you share is valuable. Help us better understand the number and nature of evictions and displacements in our city. Your answers are confidential and only available to authorized staff.

The information you provide will be used by City of Kitchener planning staff to make recommendations on how the City of Kitchener can support the transitioning of displaced tenants when they are evicted from their rental units due to the renovation, demolition or conversion of their rental unit.

All the questions are optional. If you do not want to answer a question, please choose “prefer not to say” to go to the next one. This survey will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

What is the reason your landlord asked you to move out?
Did/Do you have a formal lease for your unit?

What is/was the address of your rental unit? (do not provide your unit number)

If you prefer not to say, skip to the number of units.

How many units are/were in your building?
How many bedrooms does/did your unit have?

How many people live/lived in your unit?

If you prefer not to say, skip to rent cost.

What is/was the cost of rent for your unit?
Do you receive any financial assistance to pay your rent?
How much of your total income is spent on paying your rent?
How did your landlord tell you they wanted you to move out (end your tenancy)?
Is your landlord the person telling you to move out (end your tenancy)?
Do you know if any other tenant in your building or unit also received notice to move out (end tenancy)?
How many days did your landlord give you until they required you to move out (termination date). Select the applicable date range.
Will/did your landlord compensate you for moving out by doing the following?
How long have you lived/did you live in your rental unit before your landlord told you they wanted you to move out?
Are you aware of the rules that apply for landlords and tenants? (example Residential Tenancies Act)?
Are you aware of existing community supports available to tenants to help understand your rights?

Please provide your name and contact information in case City staff need to contact you regarding any of your responses above.

If you prefer not to share this information, skip these questions.

Notice of collection

The personal information you provide is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act s.11(1). The information you provide will be used by City of Kitchener Planning Staff to make recommendations on how the City of Kitchener can support the transitioning of displaced tenants when they are evicted from their rental units due to the renovation, demolition or conversion of their rental unit. This information will be stored on a server owned by a Third Party Service Provider (GHD Digital) located in Canada.

Inquiries about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information should be directed to Natalie Goss at or 519-741-2426.