Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Street party application 

Thanks for organizing a Street Party for your neighbourhood!  

Street parties are fun events right on your own neighbourhood street. They are small gatherings of less than 200 people and the primary audience is people who live in the neighbourhood. The goal of street parties is to foster neighbourhood spirit, and that can often be done with simple, low-cost, easy-to-plan activities. Popular activities for a street party include a BBQ or potluck, live music, games, sports or holiday or cultural celebrations. You can find a bunch of ideas for your next street party by seeing what other neighbourhoods are doing at


This form is for street parties that are small gatherings of less than 200 people with a target audience of people that live in your neighbourhood.

If your event is for more than 200 people or is intended for a city-wide audience, there are additional requirements and costs related to emergency planning, safety and sanitation. Please connect with Stephanie Brasseur, Traffic Project Coordinator, by email or call 519-741-2200 x7373 for guidance on how to proceed for events over 200 people.

Before starting this application there are a few things you should know:

  • This form must be completed at least four weeks before your event.
  • A road closure impacts everyone on the street, so it’s important everyone is informed of the upcoming closure. The road closure petition with 60% support from the street is required for approval of the street party. Please allow yourself time to gather the needed signatures to meet this requirement. Please use our road closure and petition form which has all the relevant information people will need to know to sign in support of your party. You must upload a copy of the completed petition to submit this form.
  • All street parties must be alcohol free; you as the event organizer must clearly communicate to all event attendees that alcohol is not permitted.
  • If approval from Public Health is required for food, provide at least 45 days.

Noise exemption

  • Kitchener has a Noise Bylaw that is in effect 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Completing this form will automatically send a request for a noise exemption to the Bylaw Department for approval. Once approved, our bylaw officers are aware of what’s happening in the case of complaints.


  • You will need insurance to have a street party and the City can help you arrange coverage
  • If you are expecting less than 200 people, the City will cover this cost. Completing this form will automatically send a request for insurance coverage for your street party. Please note that if the attendance of your street party exceeds 200 people, this could void this coverage.
  • If your event is for more than 200 people or is intended for a city-wide audience, there are additional requirements and costs related to emergency planning, safety, and sanitation, so please contact city staff for advice.

Business License

  • You will need a business license if you charge money at the event for admission, food or entertainment (such as food trucks/vendors, retail vendors or busking). You don't need a license for free or donated food, like potlucks and BBQs. Collecting donations on a "pay what you can" basis to cover costs of your event does not require a license. Ask city staff for more direction or learn more at
    *LoveMyHood funded street parties must be free and accessible to the neighbourhood.

If you have questions before you start your application, please contact the Neighbourhood Development Office by email or phone 519-741-2200 extension 4663.

Event information

Will there be alcohol?
In order to proceed, you will need to upload a photo or scan of the Road closure petition containing the signatures of at least 60% of your neighbours.

Allowed extensions pdf, jpg, gif, png, tif

Applicant information

Contact information

The contact is the person who will be on site for the entire event and will be used for emergency situations and/or inspections.

Use applicant contact info for on-site contact

Event time and details

Any event registered using this form must end before 11:00pm. No noise exemption can be granted for a street party past 11:00pm.


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, gif, png, tif

Street party insurance

The City of Kitchener provides insurance for all neighbourhood street parties with up to 200 guests. If the attendance of your street party exceeds 200 people, this could void the insurance coverage provided. For events over 200 people, the organizer is responsible for securing appropriate insurance, please contact Stephanie Brasseur to discuss required coverage.

Premiums must be paid in order for the insurance policy to become active. If your street party will have fewer than 200 guests, the City will cover these costs.

This insurance policy provides $2 million in liability. In the unlikely event of a claim the organizer will be required to pay the deductible, which is $500-$1500 depending on which insurer the coverage is provided by.

The insurance policy covers your legal liability for bodily injury to or damage to property of others such as spectators, passersby, property owners and others resulting from your activity (subject to standard exclusions and conditions set out in the policy wording).

The liability policy does not provide benefits for medical expenses incurred as a result of an injury sustained by an insured member, while participating in a sanctioned insured activity.

The liability policy may protect you in the event of a lawsuit against claims of bodily injury or property damage.

Insurance coverage only applies to the activity and dates disclosed on the permit application.

Excluded activities include alcohol consumption, animal rides, dunk tanks, axe throwing, and fireworks.

The City will provide a copy of the summary of insurance for events under 200 people, please contact the Neighbourhood Development Office at (519) 741-2200 x 4663 as policy conditions apply.

The personal information you provide is collected under the authority of s.11(1) of the Municipal Act and in accordance with s. 28(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and will be used for the administration of Street Party Applications. This information will be shared with staff who require it for their work as part of the Corporation.  The personal information collected herein will be used only for the purposes relating to the program and will be protected in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the MFIPPA.

Inquiries about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information should be directed to Stephanie Brasseur, Traffic Project Coordinator, Transportation Services, at 519-741-2200 extension 7373.
