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Request for property survey or building plan

Under the Freedom of Information Act, property surveys, site plans, building permit plans, or other records, can be released when conducting a formal FOI request through our records administrator.

Provincial legislation authorizes the municipality to charge a $12.50 fee for each application. This fee consists of a $5.00 application fee and a $7.50 search/preparation fee. An additional charge may apply for any copying costs, research and preparation time.

After we confirm we have the documents requested, you can pay this fee over the phone by credit card.

Which items are you requesting?

This is a request made to the City of Kitchener under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection for Privacy Act for access to: A Plan of Survey, Site Plan, Building Permit Drawings, or other records.

This document has been provided by the above noted legislation. You as an individual are bound by all the rules of the Copyright Act.