Lottery eligibility application

Before proceeding to eligibility application you must be able to answer yes to these questions:

Does the organization’s purpose fall within one of the four classifications of charitable objects?

Relief of poverty


  • Street patrols who work directly with homeless people
  • Food banks or meal programs
  • Shelters for homeless or economically disadvantaged

Advancement of education


  • Schools using funds for non-profit student publications such as newsletters and yearbooks.
  • Schools using funds for extracurricular activities not required by the Board of Education and not part of the core curriculum.

Advancement of religion


  • Churches using proceeds for enhancements of religious programs
  • Churches using proceeds to maintain public places of worship

Other charitable purposes beneficial to the community not listed above


  • Cultural and Arts such as ballet companies, symphonies, theatre groups (Cultural or artistic groups that only provide services to its members are ineligible as this is considered a restricted benefit.
  • Health and Welfare such as substance abuse programs, hospital foundations etc)
  • Enhancement of Youth such as Scout Troops & Big Brothers & Sisters
  • Public Safety Programs such as search and rescue & crime stoppers
  • Community Service Organizations such as Lions club, Rotary club, and Kinsmen
Please choose an answer.

Does the organization have a place of business in Ontario?

Please choose an answer.

Has the organization been in operation for at least one year and does it have a proven charitable mandate that it has carried out throughout the year?

Please choose an answer.

Is the organization established to provide charitable services in Ontario and use proceeds for purposes or objectives that benefit only Ontario Residents?

Please choose an answer.

Is the applicant properly organized so that it is separate organizationally, legally and financially from any other organization?

Please choose an answer.