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Dog designation appeal hearing request form

To file an appeal to your dog designation, complete the following, which must be received by the City Clerk within five working days of receiving the Notice of Dog Designation from the Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth.

Appeals received more than five working days after you have received the designation will not be processed and will not be heard by the committee.


Dog owner (appellant) information

Dog co-owner (appellant) information

Dog information

Dog designation information

Type of designation

Meeting request

The Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth has been contracted to enforce the city's animal control bylaws. Accordingly, the city's legal services staff will represent the city at the appeal hearing. The Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo & Stratford Perth's officer will often be called as a witness by the city's lawyer at the appeal hearing. Note - city staff are not permitted to provide you with any legal advice. 


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Indicate if you would to meet with the city's prosecutor in advance of the appeal hearing

Hearing guidelines:

Please review the following guidelines related to Dog Designation Appeal Hearings:

  • A Notice of Hearing outlining the date and time of your hearing will be sent to you by registered mail. It is your responsibility to pick up the Notice of Hearing.
  • Dog Designation Appeal Hearings are conducted in a Quasi-Judicial manner. The Dog Designation Appeal Committee will hear evidence and testimony provided by a Lawyer acting on behalf of the City, and the Appellant (you) in order to make a recommendation to City Council.
  • City Council may confirm, rescind, modify or substitute any recommendation from the Committee.
  • The decision of the Dog Designation Appeal Committee will only become final when it is ratified (approved) by City Council.
  • Appellants may bring witnesses, written statements from witnesses who observed the incident and copies of relevant photographs to submit to the Committee for consideration.
I acknowledge and understand the guidelines for Dog Designation Appeal Hearings.

Note - a public agenda will be posted indicating the dog owner's name. The personal information in relation to this form is collected under the authority s. 28(2) of Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and will be used by the City of Kitchener to process appeals. If you have any questions regarding this collection of personal information, you can contact the Secretary of the Dog Designation Committee at 519-741-2200 ext. 7275 or by email.